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Nepal/India PEACE Mission Team Report

Period of Mission – February 11-23, 2016


The PEACE Mission Team from RHCCC consisted of 10 members:  Pastor Grover Crosby, Pastor Ho-Ming Tsui, Alex Chan, Simon Leung, Angela Leung, Richard Sae, Sylvia Sae, Michelle Dao, Vania Tong and Tiffany Wan.  Shimon Singh from India joined us as an interpreter.  Two of our RHCCC members, Weng and Tan Yeo, also joined our team in Nepal.

The team conducted their mission in two locations, Nepal and North Bengal, India. Our host partners were Good Friends of Nepal and Dooers Outreach Ministries

RHCCC Nepal/India PEACE Team with local leaders

The team conducted their mission in two locations, Nepal and North Bengal, India.  Our host partners were Good Friends of Nepal and Dooers Outreach Ministries in North Bengal.  The mission in both places was quite similar in content.  We did a bit more children’s ministry in North Bengal where the ministry houses an orphanage with 90 children and a Christian school with 450 students.  There were a number of non-Christians among the children.


Our Theme “Freedom in Christ”


For two days, we ran Seminars on the theme of ‘Freedom in Christ’.  The purpose was two-fold:  One, a time of refreshing and renewal for the Workers, Leaders, Women and Youth; Two, to give them spiritual tools to work with when they returned to their fields and churches of ministry.  Eight Lessons were developed as the primary curriculum for all ages.  The themes dealt with Personal Confidence, Steps to Freedom in Christ, How to maintain Freedom in Christ, Steps to Full Surrender, How to Gain Moral Freedom, Dealing with Adversity, and Standing Firm.

The participants were divided into three groups, Workers and Leaders, Women, and Youth.


Dr. Angela Leung Eye Clinic

They were taught in separate venues.  We also held an Eye Clinic for many of the people who had come from remote villages and towns.  We also had a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator with us who taught the women on healthy nutrition in the context of India and also on managing diabetes.  Our Optometrist, Dr. Angela Leung, also taught a seminar on Eye Care and how to detect and treat common eye diseases.

Pastor Ho-Ming Preaching

We held public meetings each evening.  A good time of worship was held, and Pastor Ho-Ming preached on a Vision from God from the book of Nehemiah: Think Big, Start Small, and Build Deep.

Along with conducting the Two Days of Seminars, we also visited some rural areas on the fourth day of the mission.
The team arrived in Kathmandu, Feb. 13th.  The ministry was conducted in a Conference setting where 250 people gathered for fellowship and training.

We gathered the first day for a time of worship, orientation and Pastor Grover spoke on the theme of ‘Biblical Courage’.  For two full days we ran the Seminars mentioned above, and held the evening public meetings.

Weng Yeo Teaching

On the last day, we traveled four hours to a rural village where church planting is taking place.  Because of damage to the roads by the earthquake, our vehicle was unable to take us all the way to the village, so we had to take a 40 minute trek up the mountain to a place called Nuwakot.

Team in the Nepal Village

There we met people who had lost their homes in the earthquake and were living in temporary shelters.  Little was being done to help them.  Nevertheless, they were thankful to the Lord that no lives had been lost in the earthquake and we had a time of worship with them, and shared some encouragement from the Word of God.  We also conducted an Eye Clinic there.  Angie, our Optometrist, was able to see almost 30 people in an hour, just amazing.  The drive and trek, along with the service etc. took the whole day.  The villagers also prepared a lunch for us.

The drive to the village was beautiful through the mountains.   We were able to see the large snow capped mountains clearly.  We did encounter some problems on the way with a truck broken down in the middle of the road and we had to dig out a part of the bank to get the vehicle passed.

On February 18th., we said goodbye to our hosts in Nepal and flew to Kolkata via Delhi where we had a brief overnight stop.  We almost missed our flight in Delhi due to the late departure from Kathmandu.  We literally had to run to the gate for our flight.

Then the morning of the 19th., we flew to North Bengal and a four hour drive to the field.  We were able to stay on the  compound of the mission and gathered for a time  of worship, orientation, and a message from the Word of God.

Simon Leung Teaching

Almost 1,000 people gathered for a two day conference with the same breakdown as in Nepal, Workers and Leaders, Women, Youth and Children. The lessons on ‘Freedom in Christ’ were shared with the groupings along with seminars on Nuitrition, Diabetes and Eye Care.  An Eye Clinic was also held the two days.

Tea Garden Church visit

The fourth day, we visited a large tea garden where a church plant was underway and a Christian school as well.  Many of the churches being planted in this area are in Tea Gardens.  There are over 200 tea gardens in the district.  We also got to tour a tea processing plant.  The journey allowed us to get a feel for the rural areas of North India.

Public Meetings were held every night.  The final day, February 22nd., the Eye Clinic was open, and a public meeting was conducted.  Later in the day we flew back to Delhi to begin our journey home.
Combined, we taught about 200 Christian workers, 300+ Women, over 300 Youth, and 250 children.  The notes were being translated into the local language so the workers and youth leaders could take this material and transmit it to those they were discipling in their home ministries. The children loved the balloons

Over the course of the mission, the Optometrist saw close to 250 people, dispensed as many glasses and gave instructions on how to improve eye care.  She was able to dispense some medications to those who needed help with stigma and other conditions needing attention.

We were conscious and thankful for the prayers of our church, family and friends.  Other than some minor tummy issues etc., the team remained quite healthy through the whole time.  We also thank ACEM for their prayers and generous support in making this mission possible, a blessing and success.  We are also thankful to Partners International for helping fund the Conferences and keeping us in their prayers.

Last modified on 週四, 25 六月 2020 09:57