The 46th ACEM Mission Conference
日期: 10月26日 (星期六) / October 26, Saturday
宣教博覽會: 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. / 信息分享:4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Expo: 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. / Conference: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
地點:城北華人基督教會 ( 9670 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill)
Venue: Richmond Hill Christian Community Church
主題:宣教的傳承 / Theme: Mission, Vision, Passion
何明恩 Rachelle Ho (Cambodia, GO International)
Rachelle Ho has served in Cambodia for 7 years. In mid-2020, she established a local college student dormitory ministry in Phnom Penh. Her other ministries include going to the countryside to do gospel work and help churches in need to lead gatherings.
善米高及善雯宣教士 Michael and Man Sandstrom (Indigenous, Alberta, CIAM Radio)
善米高和太太善雯於1994年回應上帝的呼召,帶著年僅五個月的女兒和三歲的兒子離開了香港和他們的商業生涯,移居加拿大成為全職傳道人。 他們多年來一直在加拿大原住民,和市中心弱勢群體中侍奉。於2003年籍著廣播和傳媒,福音事工擴展到加拿大各地 30 多個社區(ciammedia.com)
Michael & Man responded to God's calling in 1994. They left Hong Kong with their 3 year old son, 5 month old daughter and their business careers to serve as full time missionaries in Canada. They have served the Lord among Canada's Indigenous people and inner-city missions for many years. In 2003 their ministry expanded to over 30 communities across Canada through media and broadcasting (ciammedia.com) which also include Cantonese and Mandarin broadcasting. (chineseoutreach.ca).
善基寶律師 Gabriel Sandstrom, (Criminal Defence Lawyer, Edmonton, Alberta)
善基寶(Gabriel Sandstrom) 出生於香港,在加拿大原住民傳教區長大。他在埃德蒙頓擔任刑事辯護律師近八年,為弱勢群體服務,傾聽人們的故事,並在工作場所和社區分享耶穌的愛。
Gabriel Sandstrom was born in Hong Kong and grew up in the mission field among Canada's Indigenous people. He’s worked as a Criminal Defence Lawyer in Edmonton for nearly eight years. Gabriel has a passion for serving the disadvantaged, listening to people’s stories, and sharing the love of Jesus in his workplace and community.