肯尼亞 Kenya

肯尼亞 Kenya (2)

週二, 08 十一月 2016 12:20

2016 Kenya reflection

Written by Rev. Sophia Wong & team

By Sophia Wong

“God opposes the proud but shows favour to the humble.” (James 4:6) It was a humbling experience for the Kenya PEACE team to walk in the land of Kenya this year from July 31 to Aug 11. We were providing pastoral training to 140 pastors and ran children’s day camp for 500 children in partnership with the Changing Times Ministry (Kibera slum) and Mumias, West Kenya. During this time, the construction team was building various cooking stoves for the residents while the others were making home visits to share the gospel story and give out supplies to the widows and their children.

Sharing resources - Each day we provided 500 meals to the residents in the Kibera slum. We also collected a lot of clothing and medication and distributed out to the needy. The children were very grateful for our contributions and each child treasured every spoonful of food that they were given.

Kibera slum - The living condition in the slum has not been changed at all. We were strolling along the garbage filled, muddy paths, carrying bags of rice, cooking oil, sugar, soap, matches, and cookies to the households. In return, we are blessed by the widows. A lot of them were very sick but they still managed to make soap and tailor clothes for others. We were very amazed by the neighbours who generously offered to take care of each other. I observed that in poverty, the Kibera residents seem to live selflessly and share with each other despite their limited resources. Their actions are a learning lesson for us.

Pastoral training - I am also very touched by the pastoral training. The pastors have to walk for many hours to the training site. However, they tried their best to learn despite their exhaustion. I am also very impressed by the interpreters who are very knowledgeable but humble to learn from us.

Changing Times High School – It is all by faith that our church, RHCCC is able to engage in this kingdom work – to build a high school for the F1 to F4 students. The Changing Times Ministry originally has an elementary school in Kibera which consists of 420 children. As the teenagers are going through puberty, the risk of being abused increases. Pastor George Okoyol and his team asked the Lord to deliver the grown-ups from the pits and falls. In 2011, a widow approached the church and sold her piece of land to exchange for money. This piece of land is blessed and provided space for the school and pastoral training center. The Changing Times High School and training centre is to help the students continue their secondary school education and to provide vocational trainings for those who cannot go on to university. The building can also nurture the spiritual growth of pastors and Christian leaders. The farm land will provide agricultural and dairy products to feed the children and staff. Some produce can be sold to generate income. As we stepped into the land, we were filled with anticipation. We were amazed by the big halls and classrooms. We heard the joyful noise from the water machine. We also saw six cows being fed on the field. We foresee the birthing of the next generation on this piece of land. The Lord is using this Changing Times High School to cultivate the next tier of disciples and servant leaders.

Lessons learnt - Furthermore, we learnt to trust in corporate prayer and be accountable and supportive to each other. The team members were eager to approach and invite prayer warriors (4 prayer partners for each member) and continued to pray for us before and during the trip. Our prayer is asking the Lord to shape us to be compassionate listeners. We are listening to not listening for the needs of the pastors. Churches are facing extreme poverty, lacking resources, struggling with false doctrine, and being attacked by conflicts. The children, especially those who are at the stage of puberty, were being abused and detoured to the wrong path. We are humbled to listen to their stories. We are humbled to uplift the needy in the hand of our Heavenly Father. Amen.

(Rev. Sophia Wong is the team leader of Kenya trip, pastor of RHCCC.)


Seriously, can a short two weeks trip offer much help?

by Tobi Tse

Since the trip in 2012, I felt that the help we offered during our short visit was very limited. I thank God for the eye-opening experience to partake in His Kingdom work, but the starving Kibera children would continue to starve after 2 weeks of free meal program. The sick would not be healed after 3 days of medical camp. Given the geographical distance, I felt like RHCCC/ACEM was applying a bandage to Kenya’s deep wound.

God has changed my perspective during my second visit in 2016. Kenya as a country has improved and expanded. The airport is modernized; the roads between Nairobi and West Mumias have been paved. The government now distributes free condoms in support of birth controls. Changing Times ministry has changed a lot too! Children have newer school uniforms. The numerous holes in their school cardigans and patches on the torn dresses have disappeared. The “natural” classroom floor once padded with sand and rocks are now paved with tiles, stirring up much less dust as the students kneel on the ground to color their crafts. The boarding high school that is close to completion gives hope and a path to permanent solution to the children’s future.

Maybe my two sparse visits did not contribute much help. We alone are weak and limited. But we are not alone. We are part of a team, a team that visits Kenya every year, and this team is led by God. ACEM/RHCCC’s support for Kenya does not end after the trip is over. With our partnership with Pastor George, God’s work is continuous, year after year. His local steward Pastor George and his team carries out God’s work every day, touching more lives with God’s words than we have ever imagined. From a 2-weeks free meal program, and 3-days medical camp, our partnership with God has now expanded to partaking in year-round children sponsorship, building a boarding high school, equipping local servant leaders and supporting in church planting. God is a visionary. His plan is better than our plan. Each of us, or our short visit, is like one small dot. Together, we form a continuous line drawn towards God’s Kingdom.


Other Team members Reflection highlights:

* I did not feel compel to join a short-term mission because of my introvert personality and the gifts God had given me. God had opened my eyes and generously let me experienced Him. He could use anyone in His fabulous works.

*  “Kenyan time” is a jargon familiar to all Kenya PEACE team members. The chicken is uncooked at 3pm when lunch is to be served at noon. Class should have started at 9:30am but the rain has kept the children from walking to the site. By the time they have arrived at 11am, it is time for tea break. After 2 hours of worships and encouragements at a Sunday service, the pastor finally begins to deliver today’s main message. Kenyan culture can be quite different from Canada. Coming from a country that values punctuality, results and efficiency, we sometimes lose focus and compromised our passion and commitment to God and to others.

* 到了肯亞,眼看當地人民生活短缺和貧乏,我心裏十分難過。有機會探訪貧民區, 瞭解他們飲用不潔食水,有很多時候兩天才有飽飯吃,居住環境十分惡劣,人人無所事事,好像沒有盼望一樣。

* 一班當地牧者們不辭勞苦,從很遠的地方走路幾小時前來為要學習主的真道進修和培訓,他們熱切追求主的心,令我十分欣賞讚嘆!

* 超過400個小孩一起敬拜,讓我學到人生很重要的一課,他們忘記貧窮,饑餓。每天相聚敬拜時,他們一同跳舞、唱詩,讚美主,看見他們充滿熱情和熱切渴慕上帝的心,令我十分感動,教我心裏火熱。

* 中午派飯時,看到孩子們無論多飢餓,收到食物時,他們首先感謝讚美神才進食。自問如果幾天沒有進食,還能先禱告,或是第一時間把食物放進口中然後再感謝神呢?

* 看到教會為主建立的學校,萬分感恩和讚美主所做的一切,「在人這是不能的,在神凡事都能。」(馬19:26)。

* 今次非洲短宣的體驗,不是用錢能買到的,神常與我們同在,神的愛遍滿全地,不分種族和國界。這世上還有很多人需要上帝,除了要更用心用力去敬拜主、積極人生、多傳福音,我更會把短宣的經歷與別人分享,鼓勵更多人一起參與,為主作工,被主使用,盡一分的力。

* Mission with an impact is the goal – an impact for the one who serves and also for the one being served, for the one who has gone and also for the one who hasn’t gone yet. This article is an editorial from all individuals who have gone and served.  I thank God for what God has done in and through them for His glory!


Kenya Missions Team (fm right to left)吳志強、莊志洪、馬珮玲、李中堅、謝加翹、倪瑋傑、朱榕添、張念溪、黃馮玉賢牧師、黃世彬、梁兆剛、謝敏宜,與當地兩名司機合照。





祂透過350個代禱網絡,應允我們的禱告。 祂把我們放在不同處境,讓我們體會身處多倫多何等幸福。 祂興起肯尼亞傳道人,師徒承傳,為社區帶來盼望。 祂打開我們的心靈,為謙卑重新下了注腳。 祂親自帶來突破,讓粵、國、英語隊伍成為屬靈導引團隊。 祂教我們何謂門徒的意義,就是:領導+追隨者。


我們在主裡決意有禱告和敬拜導引的生命。 我們委身來年讀完《聖經》一次。 我們要做一個好管家(支持CTM一個孩子)。 我們要傳揚好消息,委身事奉。 我們在自己的社區、家庭和教會活出「和平福音」的生活。 我們記念受苦的教會。


肯尼亞和平福音之旅,是一個信心之旅。我們謙卑服侍, 見證神豐盛的恩典和憐憫。

1.Changing Time Ministry (CTM) 給我們一個最大的驚喜是喬治傳道,他充滿熱誠和異象,興起一班年青牧者團隊,這些傳道人 有John, Pius, Godwin, Steven, Samuel。喬治很有領導的恩賜, 他更有寬大的心胸,努力培育那些蒙神呼召、為神國度興旺更多事奉神的工人。

2.CTM去年成功植了三間教會,盼望來年能再植五間。我們探望 了「新希望教會」,這裡滿有喜樂和合一的靈,他們向主大聲 歌頌和跳舞。最感動我的片段,是兩位帶領崇拜的主席手拉手地領詩、讚美神。我知道敬拜小組沒有爭競或嫉妒,他們的焦 點都是敬拜神,完全拋開彼此間的分歧。

3.CTM不單想在貧民窟興建教會和傳揚福音,他們蒙召是要建立僕人領袖,培育下一代,所以教會也作為小學用,設有一至八 年級;現在第八班有29名學生,急需轉送至中學讀一年級。如 果無法安置初中畢業的學生,那就表示他們不能繼續升學, 很容易又墮進貧民窟其他非法的活動。我對那些到處張貼的海報,給小女學生的提示特別感到難過:「你被強姦後要怎樣做 ⋯」我實在不敢細讀內容,我對那些小女孩可能會面對凌辱和 侵犯感到驚恐不安。

4.神在貧民窟的教會(學校)注入了希望的原素。一個老寡 婦來到教會要賣掉西肯尼亞的一塊地,她表現誠懇,賣地只因年紀老邁。神奇妙地感動去年城北堂的和平福音隊,他們向同工們分享這個機會。神確是耶和華以勒!祂供應財務、 提供資源、法律諮詢、並有委身的同工完成買地手續。當我們今年來到這塊土地上,手拉手地站在這裡禱告,我們驚奇地看見神供應給貧苦學生的方法。

5.貧民窟教會關顧寡婦和病人的工作也深深感動我。我們探 訪了一個叫瑪莉的女人,她是一名患了重病的寡婦,誤以為被邪靈控制,拒絕接受任何藥物治療。教會的人發現她,把 她帶到牧師那裡,牧師和關懷小組開始為瑪莉禱告,帶領她認識主。從此瑪莉的生命活得有盼望,教友又鼓勵她接受化 療和做手術,見證生命的能耐和力量。

6.基督徒會因著其他宗教帶來壓力。我們被告知不能再進入貧民窟,因為教會週圍有穆斯林的暴力襲擊。我們因此留意伊斯蘭的宗教,也開始為穆斯林禱告,為索馬里與非基督教的國家禱告。在今年華基聯會的差傳年會中,我不其然地報 名參加有關認識伊斯蘭的聚會。我知道神藉著這次西非貧民窟的經驗,帶領我到一個更高的認知領域,明白世上許多人正受到其他宗教的屬靈束縛。

7.神差派一些委身的基督徒在領袖訓練中激勵我們。兩年 前,有位西肯尼亞傳道人花了十小時來參加我們的訓練,後來又邀請我們去他那裡做培訓。今年有位烏干達牧師,用了 兩天來到我們這裡,完成整個訓練課程;他在班上表現特別勤奮和喜樂,又幾次邀請我去烏干達做訓練。噢!這都是神 不一樣的使命。

8.這三年來,在基貝挪(Kibera)和西肯尼亞(West Kenya)的貧 民窟工作,神親自彰顯祂的大愛普及萬民。我們只是微小的角色,祂卻選召我們為祂作見證,那是何等的榮耀!我們仍然委身致力傳揚基督救贖的恩典。全能的神已勝過邪惡和黑暗的勢力,我們得享赦罪的喜樂、基督的同在、聖靈的內 住。

9.儘管貧民窟內充斥著貧窮、疾病、無能的領導,短宣隊員仍然看見神使用貧民窟教會,這裡代表著神的國度,基督的公 義、和平、喜樂,基督掌管和治理信徒的心。我們和肯尼亞 的人民已成為一個新社群,無分東西;我們和教會也成為神國度的縮影。我一直思索基督和平的統治,回應祂在教會、 社群、家庭、學校和職場的引領,我們懇切禱告:教會能活 出祂的公義、寬恕、愛和恩典。

10.在我個人而言,我對神無窮的供應和眷顧有更深刻的體會,那不在乎我能活多久,而是我如何活出有意義和結果子 的生命。我求神仍然給我熱誠和信念:「因為你們立志行 事,都是神在你們心裡運行,為要成就祂的美意。」(腓 2:13)凡事都在耶穌裡,藉著耶穌,祂給我們希望(熱忱)和能力(信心)。我是誰?祂竟然在我身上工作,在祂的計劃裡有份!

基貝挪貧民窟(Kibera Slum)是全非洲和全世界最 大的貧民窟,網上非正式統計的資料顯示,這裡住了約 一百萬人。他們的房屋用牛糞和泥混成,約12x12呎, 平均每間屋住八個人,衛生環境極度惡劣;80%的家庭 沒有電力供應,所有食水都要用金錢購買。過去三年, 城北堂和平福音隊每年夏天都派出約30名隊員在這裡提供不同類型的服務。在永無止境的龐大需要下,我們的 服侍顯得微不足道,也更明白在神的國度裡,謙卑事奉的重要。


肯尼亞.Changing Time 事工 (CTM) :

1.五天兒童日營:平均每天服侍 232兒童

2.兩天醫療診所:平均每天診治 170病人

3.三天青年領袖訓練:平均每天 28青年受訓

4.三天教牧領袖訓練:平均每天 133教牧受訓

5.兩天教師培訓:平均每天培訓 25名教師

6.三天電腦班:平均每天有 20名學生

7.「客西馬尼園」孤兒院:每天有 30 青年領袖培訓 ,30兒童參加日營






西肯尼亞.Mumias 事工:

1.四天兒童日營:平均每天服侍 335兒童

2.四天青年領袖訓練:平均每天 127青年領袖受訓

3.四天教牧領袖訓練:平均每天 335教牧受訓

4.四天教師培訓:平均每天 25教師受訓

5.四天電腦班:平均每天有 5名職員

6.Tenwek 青年領袖訓練:每天 80青年領袖受訓

7.攝影師捕捉了 1000個鏡頭和生命見證






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