






第三件事是在Boy’s Home(男孩的孤儿院)的服事,与他们一同敬拜,向他们作见证、分享福音。这些孩子们深深渴望被爱、被关心,单纯一个握手动作,就可以成为他们的朋友。记得第一次去时,车子还没驶入孤儿院,就有孩子兴奋追着车一边跑、一边向我们打招呼。简单介绍后,他们就拉起短宣队员的手,我们一同唱歌、游戏、分享。孤儿院很多孩子受过很深的伤害,甚至被亲人虐待;所以孤儿院是养育他们,也是保护他们。本是一群被伤害的孩子,见到陌生的短宣队员卻愿意打开心扉,倾诉自己的感受和需要。我感动是这些孩子愿意接受主耶稣基督,生命得到翻转,心里便流露喜乐,只愿高呼哈利路亚!在分别时,短宣队与他们亲切拥抱、祷告,彼此说鼓励的话,不禁让人落泪。求神怜悯、保守孤儿院的孩子们。



Mary Wang

From August 9 to 23, 2018, thirteen members of TMCCC led by Pastor Daniel Lee and Pastor Winston Nathan joined together to spread the gospel and love of Christ in Mandeville, Jamaica. We ministered to people in local communities, hospital, infirmary, children and youth in orphanages, and the local churches. It was a mission on the spiritual battlefield; beloved brothers and sisters in Christ serving alongside each other and being bold for the Lord.

Observations: While we were there, I observed how the Jamaican culture contrasts with our Canadian culture. Boys from the orphanage did back flips off the monkey bars and were not afraid to swing high. At one restaurant we ate at, there were children around 8 years old eating with each other and without their parents. I realized then that this is how we are supposed to be when we are serving God and how we should act to show what our God is all about dauntless but not reckless. Through this, I strived to be less hesitant to share the gospel-to do everything for the glory of God and not for myself. Near the end of the trip, we visited a KFC for dinner. There was a 10 years old boy eating by himself. A member of the team encouraged me to go and share the gospel with him. At first I was reluctant, but I told myself to be brave for God and in the end I told him about the gospel.

Another observation I saw about the children in Jamaica, especially at the Vacation Bible School that we held, were very family-oriented and the older children were very understanding of the younglings of the group. I was really touched to see an 8 year old girl helping out and guiding a 3 year old boy to make sure he was safe at all times. It was because of this that I desired more to take care of my family and spend more time with them.

The Ministry: Each day the team set off to a different place to share the gospel. At each new location the program was: songs, testimony, drama and best for last, Pastor Daniel’s sermon and the altar call. One morning, we went to a boys’ orphanage, ages 3-19. We presented our program and many raised their hands to receive the Lord and this encouraged us to strive further to show the love of God. Afterwards, we played with them on their playground and ball field. Their smiles were contagious and we connected with them easily. When we had to go, the boys stood by our van door with sad faces, unwilling to leave us as we felt the same of them. During this day, we also visited a youth camp. This was the first place that we got to observe the true essence of the Jamaica lifestyledance, vigor, and songs. The camp was held in a large one-room building with around 80 young people. When the worship leader sang songs, everyone got up and formed a large circle to dance. At first, the team was hesitant to join in. However, after a short while, we let go of our inhibition and danced with them as well. There, we presented our gospel program. For a week in Jamaica, we held a VBS children’s camp in the mornings and in the evenings hosted a crusade at a church.

This mission trip can safely be called the best trip of my life so far. I want to say that vacations are overrated! Why go on vacation when you can serve God in places of different cultures. Throughout this mission trip, God has revealed His majesty through the nature and culture of Jamaica. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Certain mornings in Jamaica I would go out onto the balcony to pray to God. Afterwards, I would open my eyes and stare out into His creation in awe. There, I heard the voices of God’s creation screaming out His glory. In this, I found more motivation to serve God from the bottom of my heart.


Lovisa Cheung

This outreach-focused trip to Jamaica was my first mission’s trip. I wanted to get to know the people on my team, become better integrated in my church, and learn how to share the Gospel.

Although there was some culture shock going from Canada to Jamaica (e.g. no traffic lights, driving next to cliff edges, wild goats and dogs roaming about), God continuously worked. I learned a lot in devotionals every day and used our breaks to fellowship with team members through discussions, meals, and even exercise. Contrary to my expectations about VBS, I also really enjoyed working with the children and leading games.

I knew that sharing my testimony not only to friends, but to strangers would be very challenging. After praying for courage during a crusade, I felt a sense of calm that I never felt before and shared my testimony with a steady voice. I knew that people were actually listening to what I had to say. Praise God that He had given me this sense of calm and courage to share and do His work.

This trip exposed me to many different places to mission and talk about Jesus- several orphanages, a fishing village, a local hospital, an infirmary, and many churches. People were very receptive to talking about God and the Christians worshipped Him freely and without holding back. The many lessons learned, relationships formed, and ways that God worked throughout the trip will be cherished forever.


Written by 張文玲
07 五月 2019









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