
Obed Rod


Our church was planted in July 2021, and we have been witnessing and experiencing the hand and blessings of God in helping us to plant the church, and growing spiritually and quantity.

We started with 6 people, and today the Lord blessed us to have 50 people that 80 percent of them came to faith through the ministry of our church. Everyone in our church is from Muslim background except one person who is from Sikh background. Our plan was to plant a church only for Afghans but soon many Iranians and Tajikistanis who speak our language also joined us.

I do not call it a church fully planted, but the right phrase to use for it is (A Church Plant in Process), our leadership and I do believe that this church will take longer time to be fully planted, and our expectation is that in the next five years our vision and plans for planting this church will be implemented. The reason for this church plant taking so long is that it takes at least 3 -5 years for a Muslim to come to faith and to be baptized; so, it is a gradual and slow process. Since everyone in our church is from the Muslim background, therefore we need to have patience reach out to people, discipling them, and leading them to Christ; this is done only through building relationship.

There are 7 people serving in our leadership team, I am the pastor, three are serving as elders, one person is serving as worship leader, and two others as our overseers.

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相愛合一 . 培訓門徒 . 增長植堂 . 普世差傳 . 社區關懷

地址: 2750 14th Ave., Suite G-05, Markham,
ON L3R 0B6

Tel: (905) 479-2236   Fax: (905) 479-2232
E-mail: admin@acem.ca
Website: http://www.acem.ca