History-CNEC & ACEM

By Rev. John Kao


Dear Mr. Ray Wiseman,

I received your e-mail dated Feb. 17, 2003. I have been associated with CNEC/PI for almost five decades. I attended CNEC Hong Kong Bible College from 1952 to 1955. After I graduated with a Master of Religious Education (M.R.E.) degree from the Biblical Seminary in New York in 1963, Dr. Allen B. Finley went to New York City to interview me and invited me to return to Hong Kong to teach in the Hong Kong Bible College.

In January of 1969, I and my family immigrated to Vancouver, B.C. on our own initiatives. Again, Dr. Allen B. Finley went to Vancouver and persuaded me to do deputation in North America on behalf of CNEC National ministries. In April, 1969, I started out doing deputation for CNEC. Jackson, Mississippi was my first stop. I spoke at First Presbyterian Church of Jackson MS when Rev. Don Patterson was the senior pastor during their annual Mission Conference in 1969. Dr. Paul B. Smith of the Peoples Church, Toronto was the main speaker and I was the missionary speaker. Since then, Dr. Paul Smith invited me to speak at his church and made a long term friendship and ministry connection.

During my deputation years, I visited more than 100 big and small churches in S. E. States. I shared the ministry of CNEC/PI and raised support for national workers & Sponsor-A-Child program. But also, I listened to many speakers from other missions, and learned practical experiences in church planting and church growth. It really contributed to the ministry of ACEM church planting and world missions.

In 1975, I was commissioned by CNEC, Hong Kong to plant churches in Toronto. With the original six other couples and many other church leaders later on together, we planted Chinese Community Churches, which have now grown into eight churches with total Sunday attendants over 5,500. We have formed a new domination with Canada government which is called the Association of Chinese Evangelical Ministries (ACEM). I serve as the Founder, Senior Pastor and General Director for many years. Since I took up the position of the General Secretary of Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (CCCOWE) in July 2001, my position is now the Founder and Consulting Pastor of ACEM concurrently. In 1975, ACEM churches started with the partner assistance of CNEC for the first two years. Through many years of association with CNEC/PI, I am filled with joy and thanksgiving to celebrate the 60th anniversary of CNEC/PI.

Enclosed please find my brief introduction and photos. (See attached file)

Your co-worker in Christ,

John Kao

Last modified on 週四, 15 十一月 2018 12:45
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