1.Adjustment of Field Visitation Subsidy The Mission Department has reluctantly decided to reduce the field visitation subsidy without reducing our support for mission workers, due to the global economic impact, and expects the mission offering will be tight this year. The reduction of 10% for the Field Visitation Subsidy will be effective from January 1 to

December 31, 2024. This applies to all pastors and applicants disregard the number of visits to the same field. The measure will be reviewed again in early 2025. May the Lord strengthen our hearts to plant the seeds of the Gospel. Please continue to pray for God’s provision on support, both financially & missionary, to the various fields in the world.



2.Field Visitation Trips 
Please pray for the field visitation teams leaving in February to serve South Asia, Cambodia, Southeast Asia, and Scotland. May the Lord of the Harvest protect them and fill them with the joy of bringing good news to all nations. Pray that the seed of the kingdom will fall on good soil and produce a bountiful crop for God’s glory.

3.Henry Lu (Chinese Overseas Christian Mission UK)
Hong Kong's immigration wave to the UK has brought a new mission opportunity since January 2021. During the past 3 years, the Holy Spirit has guided the churches to reallocate their resources, to start the new church planting ministry. As of today, they have already established 5 new Cantonese churches. Please pray for the growth of them. May God continue to raise more mission workers, strengthen the teams, and plant more churches.

Last modified on Monday, 26 February 2024 09:33