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Handing down the ACEM Spirit

Rev. Dominic Tse

My ACEM journey is a 35-years one. I started attending TCCC (Lawrence) in 1979, then started serving in full-time ministry in 1986, participating in church planting ministry, which eventually led to the formation of Milliken CCC, and eventually became Pastor of NYCCC in 2000.  At this one-year anniversary of Rev. John Kao’s passing, I would like to reflect upon what the ACEM spirit means to me.

  1. A spirit of total dedication. Rev. John Kao was a man who worked hard, very hard. But it is not just a character issue, but one rooted in his total dedication to serve his Saviour and Master. From his CNEC fundraising days, to the Lawrence and Agincourt years, to his decision to take on General Secretary of CCCOWE, Rev. Kao gave it all for God, as Paul says, as a drink offering to be poured out for God (2 Tim 4:6). Today, Rev. Kao’s example will continue to challenge us to live and give more for God. We cannot be satisfied with being a Sunday Christian, leaving behind our faith as soon as we get out of church. As pastors, we must go beyond treating our ministry as a job, thinking mostly about our career development, but must seek to take up our Cross to follow Him.

  2. A spirit of love for the lost. Evangelism and Missions have always been high in the ministry priority of ACEM churches, thanks to Rev. Kao’s love for the lost. He would challenge us, younger pastors, to do more personal evangelism. He insisted that young pastors had to participate in personal evangelistic ministries, irrespective of gifts or talents. He backed that up with his own example – he personally led many to Christ, many of them later became leaders in the ACEM churches. His love for the lost inspired him to launch Missions works in many parts of the world. Today, we live in a media-driven world, where we can easily delegate evangelism to the media, including TV, internet, YouTube, etc. We must rekindle the fire for the lost and share the gospel with people, individuals with faces, feelings, history, and aspirations. As pastors, we have endless tasks to complete, too many meetings to attend, but we must place a high priority to ministries that care for the lost.

  3. A spirit of mentorship.  When I decided to enter full-time ministry in 1980, Rev. Kao had taken time to encourage and develop me, making sure that I would walk on the right path. In the summer 1983, when I was about to leave for Hong Kong for my theological education, he invited me to his home for dinner. We had a good talk and even a game of ping pong together. In 1986, before my graduation from seminary, he passed by Hong Kong and asked me to meet him at the airport. He was very busy and only said a few words to me there: Come back to serve in the Church Planting project, which would eventually lead to the formation of the Milliken CCC. In late 1999, when I went to see him to ask for a reference for a part-time position in another church, he just told me to come back and serve at NYCCC. Without his generosity and guidance, I would not be the person I am today. His example has inspired me to try to become mentor of younger pastors.

2015 would mark the 40th anniversary of the ACEM family. ACEM has grown so much since its inception in 1975. It is my prayer that the ACEM spirit of total dedication, love for the lost, and mentorship, would continue to define what we are a community of the Kingdom of God.

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