


1. Unity and Love

2. Discipleship Training

3. Church Planting

4. World Missions

5. Social Concern

1.  Unity and Love (Mk 12:30-31; Jn 13:34-35, 17:20-23)

God has His divine purpose in choosing the ACEM family to be a united and loving community. In the past 37 years, God has blessed the ACEM family with a good reputation. Our cooperative spirit and our love for one another are gifts of the Holy Spirit, bearing good witness for Christ in the global Christian community. We thank the Lord that the ACEM churches have been focusing on cell group ministry, where believers practice unity, caring, spiritual maturity and gospel outreach. We have to improve in the cell group ministry so that our people may become a family of love and unity. “From whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name.” (Eph. 3:15)

2.  Discipleship Training (Mt 28:18-20; Col 1:28; 2Ti 2:2)

The pastors of several ACEM churches were once youthful students, worshipping the Lord in the early ACEM days. It was through God’s grace that they accepted His calling, underwent pastoral training and internship, and became ordained. Over time these pastors matured to become God’s useful instruments and leaders of the ACEM churches. Also, many seminary graduates in recent years have fulfilled their pastoral internship in ACEM churches while additional pastors who share ACEM’s vision have been recruited to join ACEM. As training becomes a part of the ACEM culture, many deacons in ACEM churches have sought discipleship training and have become even more effective leaders in their church.

3. Church Planting (Ac 2:41-47, 9:31, 16:4-5)

Our Lord Jesus Christ placed the burden of church planting into the hearts of the leaders of the ACEM churches. Since 1975, we have planted several churches. We sent our best people to establish churches in different communities. Nevertheless, these leaders still worked diligently and committed themselves to the work of evangelism. They earnestly desired to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. The successful building of member churches and the corresponding growth in church membership are the fruits of these motivated Christians. Without the labour of church planters and evangelists before us, you and I may not have had the opportunity of being saved by Christ, receiving discipleship training and serving in the ACEM family!

4. World Missions (Mt 28:18-20, Lk 24:46-48, Ac 1:8)

Since 1975, ACEM churches have actively participated in world missions. Some of us might recall that in 1975, TCCC allocated over $1,000 from our annual offering of about $7,000 to a missions fund. Our resources might have been limited, but our church leaders have always directed much of our resources towards world missions. In so doing, they have truly taken to heart Christ’s command. It is more blessed “To give than to receive.” Should we not celebrate for the united hearts and joint efforts in our missions endeavours?

5. Social Concern (Mt 5:13-16, 9:35-38, 25:34-40)

We praise the Lord that the word “Community” is part of our name. We want to serve our neighbours and prepare to be the “light” and “salt” for Christ, being good witnesses for Him in our local communities. Firstly, ACEM plants churches in different communities to witness for Christ. Furthermore, we care about our neighbours and try to meet their needs. We have opened a daycare centre for children and gyms for youths. We have organized activities for different age groups and the seniors. We have also held talks and seminars for families and collected donations for the poor. Even today, we continue to work hard to provide more social services for those around us.
Last modified on Thursday, 18 August 2016 07:47
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